New App Helps Farmers Find Cover Crop Services Quickly
September is the start of cover cropping season in Iowa, and a new app from Practical Farmers of Iowa helps connect farmers with services.
4R Plus Practices Help Iowa Reach its Water Quality Goals
Shawn Richmond, environmental services director at the Agribusiness Association of Iowa, encourages farmers to consider the 4R Plus practices that address their unique situations.
Sharing Information Can Bridge the Divide with Landowners
The changing landscape of farmland ownership in Iowa presents opportunities for tenants. Sharing information can bridge the divide with landowners.
Edge-of-Field Practices Enhance Water Quality
Edge-of-field practices provide farmers with immediate gratification because the water-quality benefits are quickly measurable.
Central Iowa Family Encourages Farmers to Add 4R Plus Practices
While Julie Kenney uses her role as Iowa Deputy of Secretary of Agriculture to encourage farmers to use 4R Plus practices, her husband Mark implements the practices on their farm.
Cost Share Opportunities Designed to Help Farmers with Conservation Practices
Learn how farmers are working with state agencies through cost share programs to improve soil health and water quality.
What You Need to Know About Implementing a Cover Crops Strategy
Wayne Fredericks believes cover crops can make a dramatic difference in keeping nutrients and soil on farms and out of the waterways. Learn more…